Discussion Questions
Discuss the story in small groups using the following questions. {10–15 minutes}
How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus said he was leaving them? Why did Jesus say it was better that he go? What did he say he would send to be with them always?
When Jesus went to heaven, he sent his Spirit to be with his people always.
Fifty days after Easter, on the day of Pentecost, who was gathered together in Jerusalem? And what did it look like when God sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples?
God first sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples on the day of Pentecost.
What are some of the things that happened when the Spirit was poured out? As people spoke in different languages, what did Peter say it was a sign of? What happened to people who responded to Peter by believing in Jesus?
The Spirit was poured out so people might hear the gospel and be saved.
Who had said that he would send his Spirit? Who was filled with the Holy Spirit?
The promised Spirit fills all who call on the Lord Jesus to be saved.